FCSME Member: Bill Carl
M o d u l a r   R a i l r o a d i n g   a t   i t s   B e s t

Basic Scenery
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This clinic shows how to do basic scenery on a module using foamboard insulation.  There are almost 200 pictures so this clinic has been broken down into 14 sub-topics.  I tried to maintain the sequence of pictures in conjunction with the topics as best as possible.  The order below isn't the only order you can follow but it does make sense.  If I had more time, I would have done the fascia before the Paint and Grass but I needed to get let the paint dry overnight.  So it made sense to do the Paint and Grass before going to bed and not run the jigsaw late at night.  Also, after painting the track I went on to start filling in the cracks in the foam while the paint dried.  Then I went back and masked the track.  95% of this module was completed in three weekends.  Let's begin...

Hot Wire Tool
Fill in Cracks
Paint and Grass
Touch up Grass
Small Details (in progress)

Finished Close Ups (in progress - teasers only)
Selected Progress Photos