FCSME Member: Bill Carl
M o d u l a r R a i l r o a d i n g a t i t s B e s t
Basic Scenery - Assumptions
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We have to make some basic assumptions before beginning. They are:
- the benchwork is completed
- trackwork is completed, tested, and defect free
- wiring is completed and tested
There is nothing more frustrating than to go back and fix benchwork, trackwork, or wiring after the scenery is put in.
One other thing to think about is the profile that you want for your ballast. I use Homabed which is homosote with a profile cut on each side. This helps but I don't think it is enough for a mainline. So I use a V bit in my router and cut a freehand groove along the outside of each track. You can see them in the lower two pictures below. The extra effort here makes the ballast profile look so much better in the end. It actually looks like the scenery was there first, the railroad came along with bull dozers, and put in the tracks - just like the prototype.
Here are two pictures of the corner module
with completed benchwork and wiring.
This is a good time to address any track issues. Here I am inserting ties to fill in the gaps between sections of flex track.