Scenic Express makes a Forest Floor blend of ground foam that makes an excellent start for the floor of a forest.
Here I am sprinkling the Forest Floor blend only on the areas where I want to plant trees.
Apply some 'wet water'...
...and lots of diluted glue.
Here are two shots with the Forest Floor blend thoroughly saturated. It is best to allow it to dry before continuing.
Two shots with everything dry.
To plants trees, I use a sharp awl.
Insert the awl straight into the foam...
...apply a few drops of full strength Elmer's glue...
...and carefully put the trunk of the tree into the hole.
If the hole is too big or if the tree leans, you can use a small piece of ground foam smashed into the hole on the side that it is leaning towards.
I have quite a few trees laying around to choose just the right one for the right spot.
Careful placement will make your forest look realistic.
I add some trunks of fallen trees occasionally. This is a detail that is often missed.
Although the picture is washed out from the flash, you can clearly see how I placed the trees to create a forest.
I discovered I had a void in the forest. You could leave it that way as real forests have voids but I decided to plant a tree there anyway.
I am surgically using my awl to create a hole...
...I am surgically adding some glue to the hole...
...and now I am surgically planting the tree. You should be careful not break any nearby trees.
The void is filled.
Another picture showing the closeness of the trees. I am working from the front of module to the back.
Here are three shots of all the back trees planted. I have a few more to plant on the front right corner in the far right picture.