On the left hand end, I cut the bottom of the scrap piece on an angle so it would closely follow the same slope as the top of the mountain...
First I carefully cut of the sky from the mountain.
The backdrop was too long and I had to make it taller. I chose to cut it in such a way that I could use the scrap pieces to make the mountain 'taller.'
...and rotated the scrap piece 180 degrees so it is upside down. If you look extremely close, you will the trees are inverted on the small piece.
Here is the right hand
end I cut off.
The scrap piece has been
trimmed and rotated 180 degrees. Again, the trees are inverted on the scrap piece.
The pieces have been laid out according to how I plan to glue them on. As you can see my backdrop is already painted my color of sky blue.
I took a black Crayola marker and carefully colored the sides of each piece black. This will give a hint of depth to the backdrop and certainly looks better than white card stock. Be sure to have the marker coming from the backside as it will tend to slip and draw on the backdrop. You don't want to make any black marks on the front of the backdrop!
I used 3M brand spray adhesive called Super 77. You may want to try it on a scrap piece of paper and scrap board so you can see how long you have before the adhesive sets.
I tried to spray a nice even coat on the entire backdrop. You can see strips of cardboard laying on the backdrop in the background.
Place the backdrop over the cardboard strips pretty close to the final resting area of the backdrop.
Slide the strips out one at a time so you can control where the backdrop is going to lay.
The strips have been removed...
...and now I am using a squeegee to work out any air bubbles. My can of Super 77 came with a squeegee.
The last thing I did was paint the lower area of the backdrop flat black that will be hidden by trees. No one has pointed out that the trees on the lower ends are upside down unless I show them.