Modular Railroading
at its Best
How To Clinics
FCSME Member: Bill Carl
M o d u l a r R a i l r o a d i n g a t i t s B e s t
Basic Scenery - Bushes
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I like to use a hot glue gun to get the initial bushes (clump foliage) in place. There are two drawbacks to the hot glue gun: first, if you aren't EXTREMELY careful you will burn your fingers a lot; second, it tends to leave lots of angel hair behind. I have learned to be careful so I don't burn myself that often. The angel hair problem just requires patience to remove it.... and just when you thought you had it all, there are some more strands you missed. I come back with Elmer's glue to fill any voids and cover any places where the shiny hot glue may be showing. I suppose you could use Elmer's for the entire process. Please note that the masking tape has been removed from the rails. I did this because I couldn't wait to test run a new locomotive. I should have put masking tape back down before continuing.
Carefully place a little hot glue on the back of the clump of foliage...
...and place it where
you want it to go.
Not too bad but I want to have more bushes / shrubbery.
Sometimes I would fill in a crevice with hot glue...
...and place a bush on top of the glue.
Most of the bushes have
been planted.
A little rock outcropping with bushes growing around it. You can see the different shades of foliage that I used. The last thing I do is lightly sprinkle the bushes with Burnt Grass to help blend them together.
I don't believe in totally open fields so here I have glued some smaller shrubs in the field. Also, don't forget to put bushes at the base of forests at odd intervals.