Modular Railroading
at its Best
How To Clinics
FCSME Member: Bill Carl
M o d u l a r R a i l r o a d i n g a t i t s B e s t
Basic Scenery - Ballast
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Ballast can really make or break a scene. I believe that careful consideration to ballast must be given before track is laid. As I mentioned earlier, I planned for my ballast profile as I was laying the sub roadbed. My module has a double mainline so it should reflect good drainage as would the prototype. The final result should look as if the scenery was there first, the bull dozers came through and graded the right of way, and then the track gang laid the track.
I use a tablespoon to spread my ballast. I put some in the center...
...some on the inside edges...
...and some on the outside edges.
Then I take a semi-firm paint brush and gingerly spread the ballast evenly.
I use the spoon to shape the center profile a bit.
Wet it all down with 'wet water.'
Apply diluted (50/50) liberally to every square inch of the ballast.
You know you have enough glue when you can see the glue pools forming.
Here are two shots with the ballast all dry. The resulting profile is simply awesome!