Modular Railroading
at its Best
How To Clinics
FCSME Member: Bill Carl
M o d u l a r R a i l r o a d i n g a t i t s B e s t
Basic Scenery - Fascia
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I usually install the fascia board(s) as soon as I am done with carving the foam. But it was late at night and I didn't want to wake the family by running the jig saw. So that is I why I continued with the paint and grass before the fascia boards. If you do install them right after from carving the foam, you can cut them in place and follow the land contour with the jig saw. The way I did them below forces you install the boards, trace the contour, remove them, cut them, and reinstall them - a bit more laborious.
After they are installed, there will more than likely be gaps between the fascia board and the foam base. Use the same technique as shown earlier by using pieces of paper towels. Apply a liberal amount of paint and sprinkle on the ground foam. Additional layers may be needed to blend in with the rest of the scenery. When everything is dry paint the fascia boards the color of your choice.
Here is a fascia board cut to length and installed to mark the contour.
Trace the contour
using a pencil.
Cut the fascia board with a good jig saw blade.
The fascia board is installed but we have a serious gap problem.
Stuff the cracks the same way as with the seams in the foam using paper towels.
More stuffing.
Apply a liberal amount of paint...
...more paint...
...sprinkle on some grass...
When everything is dry, paint the fascia your desired color. As you can see in the photos, I painted them after I planted trees. The order here is not terribly important.
...and more grass. The layering of grass maybe needed and repeated until the edges blend in with the rest of the scenery.
Here are two shots of the painted fascia boards.