FCSME Member: Bill Carl
M o d u l a r R a i l r o a d i n g a t i t s B e s t
Basic Scenery - Track
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After carving the foam is probably the last best time to paint the track. I usually use my airbrush but for the sake of speed I used a spray can of Rail Brown. Additionally, I like to go over the ties last with a Tie Brown but didn't do so on this module.
Painting the rails and ties not only makes the rail more realistic but also helps hide your solder joints.
Be sure to use adequate ventilation when painting indoors.
Paint the rails and ties brown.
Use long even strokes.
Be sure to get all of the track.
Rails and ties completely painted.
After the paint has thoroughly dried, carefully place masking tape over the rails and ties to protect them from the rest of the scenery process.
Be sure the masking tape seals the sides of the ties too.